
More Numbers…
So how many calories do we actually need?
It’s a question I’m asked quite often
the answer is slightly different for us all.
One thing that is universally beneficial though
eating a healthy diet and maintaining
good hydration.

Hump Day…
Has it come around quicker this week
or is it just me?
let’s have a great day eh?
Stay focused.
Smile at everyone.
Don’t let the day go by without laughing.
Write an achievement list to remind yourself of all the cool things…

Know Your Numbers…
Because I’m 40 this year
does that mean I’m middle aged?
Oh gosh…
Does that also mean I need to be
thinking about my
“middle-age spread”?!
Don’t laugh,
I can hear you
you don’t need to worry
I hear you scoff…
But you know…

Spooktacular Circuit Workout
Halloween is just around the corner & my children set the bar high this year by asking me to carve "Elsa" & 'Spiderman' on their pumpkins. I thought I did well last year by carving out a Toy Story Woody which was pretty tough so this…
Portfolio Items

Vegetable Macaroni with Chorizo & Pesto
This is a quick, easy to prepare and make, mid week meal for the whole family. Full of good nutrients from the vegetables and pesto too and only 550 kcals :)
enjoy :)
Broccoli - half a head chopped
Cauliflower - half a head…