Entries by Melissa

More Numbers…

Calories… So how many calories do we actually need? It’s a question I’m asked quite often and the answer is slightly different for us all. One thing that is universally […]

Hump Day…

Has it come around quicker this week or is it just me? Well, whatever let’s have a great day eh? Stay focused. Smile at everyone. Don’t let the day go […]

Know Your Numbers…

Because I’m 40 this year does that mean I’m middle aged? Oh gosh… Does that also mean I need to be thinking about my “middle-age spread”?! Don’t laugh, I can […]


I knew I would get my husband to like the Spiralizer! OK, so it’s not quite the courgetti that I’d hope for, but give me time… Instead we made curly […]

Five Friday Favourites

The weekend is just around the corner… and what better way to kick it off than to chill out and catch up with friends?! Then tomorrow pack a picnic & […]