Enjoy success weight control with a little exercise and good nutrition

OK, so eating less & cutting back on the fat in your diet are good ways to help you lose weight, we all know that, but will it actually help excess weight STAY AWAY?
It does help, but what you really need is a balance between the number of calories you consume and the number you burn. And the only way to do that is to EXERCISE regularly.
By exercising, you can lose weight while eating more calories than if you simply went on a diet alone. Regular physical activity is much more effective at keeping the weight off in the long run than any diet.

Aerobic Exercise

Aerobic exercise helps you lose weight without drastically reducing the calories you consume or sacrificing important nutritional needs. One reason for this is that aerobic exercise not only raises your metabolism during exercise, but it helps to keep it elevated when your exercise is done, depending on how long and how hard you exercise.

You’ve probably heard about exercise programs that actually turn your body into a “fat-burning machine.” Aerobics can do that. An aerobic program that you stick with can help you lose weight more easily because it can stimulate your body and make it burn calories.

If you’re just getting started, begin with as little as 15 minutes of low-impact aerobics three times a week. Gradually increase to 30 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity four-five times a week.

Strength Training

During physical activity, it’s your muscles that burn calories. Even better news? They also burn calories when your body is at rest. Therefore, increase your muscle mass (not size!), and you will increase your body’s capacity to burn calories both during activity and at rest. BONUS.

BEWARE: Diets, which substantially restrict your caloric intake, cause loss of lean muscle mass, along with the loss of fat. If you introduce some basic strength training into your exercise program, combined with a moderate, balanced diet, you’ll be able to maintain lean muscle mass while you lose fat. GOOD NEWS.

Start with one set of exercises and a weight that allows you to complete eight to 12 repetitions. Gradually increase to 2-4 sets of 8-15 reps. Exercises chosen should target your legs, trunk, shoulders, arms, chest and upper back. For your abs and lower back, increase the number of repetitions but use less or no weight.

Long term success and health = Exercise and Balanced diet.

If you follow a moderately low-fat, balanced diet and an exercise program that combines aerobic activity and strength training you have just found the key to losing weight—and keeping it off.

Begin slowly with exercises you enjoy & find comfortable. Build up as your body becomes accustomed to the activity level, if you start out too hard or too fast, you may injure yourself or give up.

And remember, you can’t lose weight overnight. Set a realistic weight-loss goal. 1 to 2 pounds a week is realistic and safe. Eat healthily and get moving on a program of regular physical activity, and you’ll be delighted by what you accomplish.

Maintaining a lower, healthier body weight is something you can definitely accomplish. So start now and continue…!

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